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Wednesday 25 June 2008

WH Smith, the new boy on the block

The main post office in the High Street has for many years (since its own purpose-built home was sold) been at the back of a stationers.

It still is, but the stationery business has changed hands.

Without any warning that I saw, the previous shop folded its tents and stole away.

After a suitable interval the WH Smith logo appeared in the window, followed by the new shop.

It is arranged very much like the old shop, with different stock, naturally. It has the cleaner lines we associate with WHS.

Now that WHS as a company is the target of a takeover bid, and lost over £100m last year, it's a bit surprising that they are expanding into Street. Perhaps Clarks Village is an incentive.

Street Stationers must be waiting anxiously to see whether the new shop will take some of their customers.

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