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Sunday, 15 March 2009

How went the day?

Thank you for asking - extremely well!

For a start, God gave us the most beautiful weather. The Parish churchyard is bursting with daffs and generally new life is everywhere.

We gathered around the font in an informal ring of chairs, and the whole baptism was informal and I hope full of meaning. In the parish church a two-part window is behind the font, the left hand stained glass showing John the Baptist with cross and baptism shell, and the right hand glass showing Jesus, his feet in blue Jordan water. A perfect ready-made visual aid to help explain baptism to little children.

We sang more songs than I had thought we would, which was all good. I played the guitar for one, and Helen Lunt played for others.

The whole service was filmed, and we hope to make a DVD for Barbara and Giles, as a memento. My sister Dorothy stood in for herself and husband David as godparents. David was busy with Sunday services back home. Inevitably this baptism was arranged at shortish notice, so that I would be able to take it.

Afterwards the family had a very good lunch at The Mullions. I was glad that Rowena and Nicolette were able to stay a bit longer, and I could enjoy their company and their piano playing.

Trevor and Dorothy have been able to stay tonight. Hope they will both be comfortable.

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