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Monday 16 March 2009


Well, today was a bit of a rest day after an exciting Sunday. Visitors included the hospice nurse, who filled in my attendance allowance form for me, and was generally helpful, the lady to test my panic button, the Rector, John Foreman to have a session on Figured Bass for his next organ exam, and Helen. And people came morning and evening to offer extra help for getting up and going to bed. Fortunately the in-house team is still able to cope!

Trevor is still here, which is great. He has worked on the Mozart violin sonata that we played a week or two back, and put it on YouTube. I couldn't play it now. I looked back to the grade 8 ainging, too, and that came just in time, too. Cat's Mum has posted a nice comment today - thank you.

I did play a bit on the church organ yesterday, and maybe we can post a video of the bit that someone caught on camera. I played the Clavinova today, but maybe overdid it, because my right shoulder is a bit sore this evening.

We shall put the Mozart on as a separate post.

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