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Friday, 23 May 2008

Restoring an historic façade - sort of

We were told that when McCarthy and Stone were eventually given planning permission which included knocking down Holmcroft, in a conservation area, on the Somerton Road, they would restore the façade.

Well, at first glance the new façade to that part of the M&S building is a replica, but when you look again and compare the new facade with a photo of the old (here, for example), you see that the new building is three storeys high, to the old one's two, and the builders are adding stone balustrades above the first floor bay windows.

I think the building will look OK, but it is not a replica of Holmcroft.

While talking about that building, I'll mention the flats being built right on the Cross. They are turning out almost as good as I had hoped, and better than I thought when looking at the design drawings. What is beyond doubt is that what is going up is a vast improvement on the eyesore of a Job Centre that used to be there.

And something is actually happening to the cottage belonging to one of the Clark family and which used to lower the tone of the entry into Street on the Glaston Road.

Now about the National Tyre place ....

By the way, for an excellent collection of old pictures of the Cross, and in particular Holmcroft and its original owner, have a look at Bygone Years in Street.

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